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Deleted File Recovery Software
User Opinion
  • 2003/09/26 - Edson Brusque - C.I.Tronics Lighting Designers Ltda

    I discovered that the 31GB limit was something with the HD being configured as slave on the IDE bus. I've put it on the secondary IDE bus (the one I use the CD-recorder) as master and configured the CD-recorder as slave. After this File Scavenger recognized it as a 74GB HD.

    Anyway, I used the FDISK from a FreeDOS diskette and deleted the partitions. File Scavenger made a great job finding the files on the corrupted HD. I was able to recover all of my important files. Some of these files haven't been opened yet so they may have some corrupted data in it, by it's ok by now. I've reformated the corrupted disk with NTFS and I'm now making a backup of my system. I hope to be no lazy anymore and make a full backup once a week. :)

    File Scavenger is a great utility and you're a very kind person.

    Thank you very much,

  • 2003/09/22 - Peter Norman - Norway

    It worked !!

    This weekend I have spent recovering photos believed to be lost for ever. Thank you so much for your assistance, and thanks to QueTek for this fantastic software :-)

    Have a nice day.....

  • 2003/09/16 - Eric Goldstein

    Just a quick note of thanks.

    Found your product through some search engine or google after a errant OS upload locked out my data files. Your program was able to recover almost everything for me. Worth the $40...


  • 2003/09/15 - Thomas Allkemper

    Einfach ein geniales Programm!

    Im Prinzip bin ich kein Freund der in den USA sehr beliebten "Testimonials", aber nach den außergewöhnlich guten Erfahrungen mit dem Programm "File Scavenger" komme ich nicht umhin, der Firma "Quetek" herzlich zu danken. An einem heißen Augustnachmittag war es dann so weit: Festplattencrash! Eine der Festplatten in meinem RAID0-System (NTFS-Dateisystem, ca. 60 Gigabyte medizinische Daten) hatte wahrscheinlich wg. Überhitzung den Geist aufgegeben. Eine Internetrecherche bei professionellen Datenrettungssdiensten ergab einen Preis von ca. 300 bis 800 €, lediglich für den Kostenvoranschlag! Die Kosten für die Datenrettung an sich sollten bis zu 3000 € betragen! Frustriert begab ich mich auf Internetrecherche und stieß auf die Homepage von "Quetek". Dort wurde ein Tool namens "File Scavenger" angeboten, welches genau meine Zwecke zu erfüllen schien. Gesagt getan, bei einem Preis von 39$ wollte ich gerne mein Glück versuchen. Umso erstaunter war ich, als das Tool nicht nur anfing die ersten Namen meiner Dateien anzuzeigen sondern auch die zugehörigen Daten anstandslos korrekt zurückzulesen. Obwohl es eine ganze Weile dauerte (ca. 10 Tage!), da eine der Platten sehr schwerwiegende Fehler aufwies, las der "File Scavenger" geduldig und ohne Programmabsturz eine Datei nach der anderen ein. Natürlich konnten nicht alle Daten gerettet werden, da das Dateisystem extrem beschädigt war, aber eine Datenrettungsquote von ca. 80 bis 90 Prozent war mehr, als ich bei einem Preis von 39$ je zu träumen gewagt hatte - was nicht zuletzt dem exzellenten Support von "Quetek" zu verdanken ist. Jedem, der ein ähnliches Problem mit seinen Festplatten/Dateisystemen hat, würde ich zunächst einen Versuch mit der kostenlosen Trial-Version des "File Scavenger" empfehlen, bevor er sich entscheidet einen der unter Umständen extrem kostspieligen, professionellen Datenrettungssdienste in Anspruch zu nehmen.

    Thanks again fort hat software masterpiece and your excellent support!

  • 2003/09/03 - Anonymous in New Zealand

    After landing myself in trouble whilst installing a raid card in my home server, I purchased your product from your website. Because it is a Windows 2000 server and I already converted the drives to dynamic discs had no way of retrieving the data on any of the drives. After purchasing your product, I managed to recover all my data from the server. There was over five years worth of client files, and since my backups weren`t up to date, I would have had to close my home business down. Thanks again for an excellent product, you guys really saved my life. Thanks

  • 2003/09/02 - Brent Davis

    I just want to say the $39.99 that it cost to use File Scavanger was the most useful software license purchase of the year.   I lost all my email in an accidental delete and thougth I would never see it again.   I used File Scavenger to find the file, and I was able to get it back.  I feel so happy know, cause it did exactly what it said it would.   I am sold and an extremely happy person.  Thanks a million guys, had some special stuff in my PST.  Guess maybe backup is the key now also.

  • 2003/08/28 - Mike Segura

    well, I don't know if you knew the version you sent me was going to wildly exceed my expectations. I believe that I have recovered EVERYTHING that I was looking for on the reformatted harddrive. I am very very happy and would like to congratulate you and your company for developing this tool. Words are almost totally inadequate. Thank you thank you thank you ... (I hope you get success letters like this all the time!)

  • 2003/08/22 - Jason Workman -

    I just want to thank your company and the staff that helped me. I lost some ‘VERY’ important files after I refreshed the OS. I thought I was going to be screwed. But, thanks to your File Scavenger utility I was able to recover the deleted library with minimal trouble. Good Job!

    Sincerely, Jason Workman(very happy customer)

  • 2003/08/19 - Alvin (Bud) Manz, Jr. - Northwest State Community College

    Thank you very much, I love your product! I had close to 10 yrs. of data on my computer and the latest backup was about 6 yrs. old when I formatted the wrong drive. After running your program, I recovered nearly 95% of my data.

    Now I backup regularly, but, sometimes students will bring disks that they have erased and realize after the fact that they needed the erased data and I plan to use File Scavenger to recover that for them.

    Thank you and have a great day!

  • 2003/08/15 - Michael Filer - Sub7th Designs - Denver, Colorado

    Just wanted to let your team know that this program is a life saver. When I first bought it I really didn't think I'd be getting much for $40, but I was sooo wrong. I have been a multimedia design artist for 8 years now and because of my profession my drives are 80GB minimum to hold the enormous files that I am constantly creating on them.

    The last time I had a problem with one of my drives (partition was accidentaly deleted) it cost me $120 just to get back a mess of unnamed and only partially working files that took me 4 days to sort through. This time I was hit by a boot sector virus that attacked my back up drive and erased the MBR file. Ran File Scavenger and not only did I get back all of my files, but they all work, they still have their original names and their original file structure!

    I've already recommended a couple of my clients purchase this software to have on hand just as a precautionary measure. It's too bad I didn't know about this application the last time this happened.

    Thanks for the incredible piece of software, this is a must have for anyone who considers the contents of their hard drives valuable.

  • 2003/08/05 - Len Wanger

    I used File Scavenger tonight and it worked flawlessly. I was able to recover all of my data and settings and it saved me massive amounts of grief! Definitely $40 well spent.

  • 2003/08/04 - Ralph Ruh

    I just wanted to let you know that the new executable file you sent me worked just great!!! I was able to finally recover 90% of the files from the damaged drive. I want you to know that I really appreciate the help and support that your company gave me with a very serious problem!!

  • 2003/07/24 - John Harrison

    I consider myself to be an IT expert and would never format an HDD accidentally but I was using Windows Automated System Recovery (XP) and it formatted the disk without any request for permission to do so. I could not believe it had happened. I tried other products to resurrect the disk but they were either useless or extortionately expensive. File Scavenger 2 did the job perfectly and at a very reasonable price; I was most impressed and would recommend it highly. Thank you again.

  • 2003/07/23 - Ken Roy - EDS

    Your recovery utility is great. Since Windows 2000 did not recognized the drive after I had installed Windows 2000 on a new hard drive and made the drive I lost the slave, I initially thought I would lose all my data. I would rather being dealing with duplicate recovery than the complete lost of data that I initially anticipated.

    Thanks also for prompt customer service response.

  • 2003/07/13 - Archie van der Walt - South-Africa

    We bought the programme and we did restore our files (even after formatting and repartitioning). We even changed from NTFS to FAT and installed WinXp on the same drive, and it still got everything back(6 years of critical hard to get back work) . So you see we are very happy!!!

    You can gladly publish this on your website, its just another way of saying thank you. Regards.

  • 2003/06/20 - Tim Warren

    I lost a large amount of family pictures due to a system hickup. Your recovery software recovered almost all my pictures! Thanks a million for this type of software

  • 2003/06/11 - Mark Klier - TecTime GmbH - Germany

    Vielen herzlichen Dank. Ich konnte innerhalb weniger Augenblicke fast 1 GB an Daten einer aus versehen gelöschten NTFS-Partition wieder herstellen. Ein Lob auch für den schnellen und stressfreien Bestellvorgang!

    English translation:
    Many thanks. I could recreate nearly 1 GB of data on a deleted NTFS partition within a few moments. I am also full of praise for the fast and the "stress free order way".

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